Movement M1 (3)
Movement M2 (4)
Movement M3 (5)
Movement M4 (6)
Movement M5 (7)
Tram (8)
General Traffic (9)
Bus (10)
Freight (11)
Cycling (12)
Cycling Special - tbc (13)
Walking (14)
Rail (15)
Interchange - tbc (16)
Special Movement - tbc (17)
Place P1 (20)
Place P2 (21)
Place P3 (22)
Place P4 (23)
Place P5 (24)
Places of Street Activity PA1 (26)
Places of Street Activity PA2 (27)
Places of Street Activity PA3 (28)
Places of Street Activity PA4 (29)
Places of Street Activity PA5 (30)
Places of Street Activity PO1 (32)
Places of Street Activity PO2 (33)
Places of Street Activity PA3 (34)
Places of Street Activity PA4 (35)
Places of Street Activity PA5 (36)